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Free Download Notepad++ Portable

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Notepad++ Portable

Notepad++ Portable is the handy Notepad++ text editor packaged as a portable app so you can do your development on the go. It has all the same great features of Notepad++ including support for multiple languages and an extensive plugin system, but there's nothing to install.

If you like Notepad++, you'll love Notepad++ Portable. It keeps the same great functionality of its big brother, but in a new edition specially designed to be stored and used in a USB memory key.

Once installed, the application hardly takes 2 MB of space, so it's suitable even for the smallest removable drives. During our tests, we didn't miss anything from good ol' Notepad++ : support for dozens of coding languages and several text file formats, syntax highlighting, ability to open multiple documents simultaneously and lots of extra tools.

The only downside to this great little application, if we're to find any, is the fact that you have to download spelling files apart if you want to use the spellcheck. Apart from that, Notepad++ Portable is probably one of the best text editors available… and you can carry around in your pocket!

That's the special feature of Notepad++ Portable version. If you intend to try it please you can Download in here!

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