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Adobe Photoshop CS 4 Portable

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Adobe Photoshop CS 4 Create original images or modify photos using a full assortment of painting, drawing, and retouching tools. Quickly preview, tag, and sort images; search and edit metadata and keywords; and automatically share batches of files from the improved File Browser. Work the way that's best for you by saving personalized workspace and tool settings and creating customized keyboard shortcuts. Experiment freely knowing you can instantly undo or redo multiple steps with the History palette.

Browse Photoshop filters from the Filter Gallery, where you can preview stacked effects. Achieve sophisticated results by compositing images, text, and effects on hundreds of layers that you control by grouping into sets, color coding, and locking. Create design variations for clients more efficiently by saving different combinations of layers within the same file as Layer Comps. Create eye-catching typography by placing text on paths or within shapes. Edit the text at any time, even in Adobe Illustrator software.

Simulate traditional fine-art techniques with dry and wet brush effects, pastel, charcoal, and more. Even use brushes to add special effects such as grass and leaves. Easily experiment and achieve amazing results by accessing more than 95 special effects filters. Preview and apply more than one filter at a time with the new Filter Gallery. Improve the color, contrast, and dynamic range of any image with a comprehensive set of professional color-correction tools. Effortlessly remove dust, scratches, blemishes, wrinkles, and other flaws with the Healing Brush.

Download Adobe Photoshop CS 4 Portable In Here

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