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Opera Mini 5 Beta 2

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opera mini

Opera Mini™ is a fast and tiny Web browser that allows you to access the full Internet on your phone faster than ever. Now Opera Mini 5 Beta introduces a new, sleek look and feel, Speed Dial bookmarks and tabs - together with Opera's renowned speed - make this new version of Opera Mini the easiest-to-use Web browser on a phone.

Browse several Web sites at the same time. Check your e-mail in one window, Facebook in another and, Twitter in a third, all while being able to jump easily from one tab to another.

Our 5 favorite features in Opera mini 5 Beta 2 :
  1. Sleek design Opera Mini 5 features a new, intuitive and advanced look and feel.
  2. Tabbed browsing This desktop favorite is now available for Opera Mini. Tabs allow users to browser several sites simultaneously. This helps users easily jump from one page to another with the click of a tab.
  3. Touchscreen or keypad browsing Opera Mini caters to the needs of your phone, offering optimal browsing for both touchscreen and keypad-based phones.
  4. Password manager Opera Mini is a virtual memory bank, securely saving all passwords for e-mail, social-networking sites, online banking and more.
  5. Speed Dial This is our take on a table of contents for your Web adventure. Opera’s Speed Dial will greet you with your pre-selected Internet favorites upon loading the browser.

That's the newest feature of Opera Mini 5 Beta 2 now entering the beta version. If you intend to try it please you can Download in here!

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